PTA Meeting Information
General Meetings are held in September, January, and April. Save the dates and meeting information will be posted in advance of each meeting. While PTA members are allowed to vote during general meetings, non-voting attendees are welcome.
April 9, 2024 | 5:15PM
I. Call to Order Liz Barth
II. Approval of Minutes Lauren Gillaspie
III. Financial Report (January 23, 2024-April 8, 2024) Athena Sisoukraj
Starting Balance: $15,747.83
Total Income: $7,080.13
Total Expenses: $9,821.05
Adjusted Cash Balance: $13,075.40
IV. 2023-2024 Proposed Budget Amendments Athena Sisoukraj
V. 2024-2025 Proposed Budget Athena Sisoukraj
VI. 2024-2025 Officer Elections Cameron Ehn
VII. Announcements
Chick-fil-A Roanoke Mobile Spirit Night: Thursday, April 11th 5:00PM - 7:00PM
Principal Slime Fundraiser: 4/1- 4/22
Early Voting: April 22-30th, Election: May 4th
PTA Talent Show: Friday, May 3rd 7:00PM - 9:00PM
VIII. Smart Tech Talk - Meeting Adjourned
January 23, 2024 | 5:15PM
I. Call to Order Liz Barth
II. Approval of Minutes Lauren Gillaspie
III. Financial Report (September 19, 2023-January 22, 2024) Athena Sisoukraj
Starting Balance: $12,736.48
Total Income: $22,124.51
Total Expenses: $18,295.50
Adjusted Cash Balance: $15,756.83
IV. 2023-2024 Proposed Budget Amendments Athena Sisoukraj
V. Officer Reports Liz Barth
VI. Committee Reports
Nominating Committee Cameron Ehn
Arts in Education Pollyanna Brown
PTA Reflections Art Program
Talent Night: May 3rd
Fundraising Events Katie Hussey
Cox PTA Snow Ball Dance: February 23rd
Egg My Yard: March 29th + March 30th
Cox PTA Adventure Night: April 5th
VII. Next General PTA Membership Meeting: Tuesday, April 9th
VIII. Meeting Adjourned
September 18, 2023 | 5:30PM
I. Call to Order Liz Barth
II. Approval of Minutes Lauren Gillaspie
III. Financial Report (April 25, 2023-September 18, 2023) Athena Sisoukraj
Starting Balance: $16,407.12
Total Income: $5,449.75
Total Expenses: $9,154.59
Adjusted Cash Balance: $12,736.48
IV. 2023-2024 Proposed Budget Amendments (ADOPTED BY MEMBERSHIP) Athena Sisoukraj
V. Officer Reports
Proposed Tax Free Date - October 20th Athena Sisoukraj
NTX Giving Day Liz Barth
VI. Committee Reports
Membership Kirsten Trudo-Buck
Fundraising Events Katie Hussey
PTA Mobile + Campus Pumpkin Patch
2. Fall Festival - Friday, October 20th at Cox Elementary
2. Spirit Nights
*Wise Guys Pizza Roanoke (September)
*Hat Creek Burger (October)
Programs Chelsea Albert
2. Assembly Speaker - Chris in the Classroom
VII. Next General Meeting: January 23, 2024
VIII. Meeting Adjourned