PTA Meeting Information

General Meetings are held in September, January, and April. Save the dates and meeting information will be posted in advance of each meeting. While PTA members are allowed to vote during general meetings, non-voting attendees are welcome.


April 9, 2024 |  5:15PM 

I. Call to Order Liz Barth

II. Approval of Minutes Lauren Gillaspie

III. Financial Report (January 23, 2024-April 8, 2024)                                                                                         Athena Sisoukraj

IV. 2023-2024 Proposed Budget Amendments                                                                                           Athena Sisoukraj


V. 2024-2025 Proposed Budget                                                                                               Athena Sisoukraj


VI. 2024-2025 Officer Elections                                                                                              Cameron Ehn


VII. Announcements                                                                                            

January 23, 2024 |  5:15PM 

I. Call to Order Liz Barth

II. Approval of Minutes Lauren Gillaspie

III. Financial Report (September 19, 2023-January 22, 2024)                                                                         Athena Sisoukraj

IV. 2023-2024 Proposed Budget Amendments                                                                                          Athena Sisoukraj


V. Officer Reports                                                                                                                                                                     Liz Barth

VI. Committee Reports

VII. Next General PTA Membership Meeting: Tuesday, April 9th

VIII. Meeting Adjourned

September 18, 2023 |  5:30PM 

I. Call to Order Liz Barth

II. Approval of Minutes Lauren Gillaspie

III. Financial Report (April 25, 2023-September 18, 2023)                                                                               Athena Sisoukraj

IV. 2023-2024 Proposed Budget Amendments (ADOPTED BY MEMBERSHIP)                  Athena Sisoukraj

V. Officer Reports


VI. Committee Reports

                2. Fall Festival - Friday, October 20th at Cox Elementary

  2. Spirit Nights

*Wise Guys Pizza Roanoke (September)

*Hat Creek Burger (October)

2. Assembly Speaker - Chris in the Classroom

VII. Next General Meeting: January 23, 2024

VIII. Meeting Adjourned