PTA Meeting Information
General Meetings are held in September, January, and April. Save the dates and meeting information will be posted in advance of each meeting. While PTA members are allowed to vote during general meetings, non-voting attendees are welcome.
JANUARY 29, 2025 - 5:30p - Cox Elementary School Library
I. Call to Order Katie Hussey
II. Approval of Minutes Lauren Gillaspie
III. Financial Report (September 17, 2024-January 28th, 2025) Athena Sisoukraj
Starting Balance: $11,089.12
Total Income: $ 26,242.98
Total Expenses: $12,454.72
Net Receipts: $13,788.26
Adjusted Cash Balance: $ 23,503.76

IV. 2024-2025 Proposed Budget Amendments Athena Sisoukraj
V. Committee Reports
Nominating Committee Belinda Sanders
Programs Katie Hussey
PTA Reflections Art Program
Mira Sarakinti (Primary Visual Arts) and Beckham Carter (Intermediate Music Composition) received 1st Place awards advanced to Texas PTA’s State Competition
Holiday Parties and Valentine Parties
Family program, Saturday April 26th at 9am
Talent Night
Fundraising and Events Alexis Lakin, Jessica Riddle
Love Your School giving day: February 14th
Denim & Diamond Dance: February 28th 7-9p
Volunteer opportunities for adults, high school and middle school students
Battle Night: April 11th
Volunteer opportunities for adults, high school and middle school students
Egg My Yard: April 18th + 19th
Volunteer opportunities for adults
VI. New Business
VII. Next General PTA Membership Meeting: Tuesday, April 22nd
VIII. Meeting Adjourned